2023 Reflection
Reflecting on 2023, I can’t believe it has been a year since we opened our doors. And we are still here. I have to say it is by the grace of God and lots of prayers. Yes, there have been long hours, sacrifices to family, friends, sleep, and health, and a lot of hard work and energy have been put into The Workshop to get it where it is today. But, without God leading my way things just would not have developed, or happened, or come through, or materialized. When I was at a real low and ready to throw it all in, God let me know He was not done with me or The Workshop or A Firm Foot Forward, not by a long shot. If I have learned anything (and I have learned A LOT) the most important is to trust and to have patience. The latter I am not very good at to be honest, but my faith and trust in His plan for me triumphs and I move slowly forward.
I am so very blessed for all the customers that have found us, for the young women we have worked with, and the lives we have impacted through what we do. My prayer for 2024 is that this will only continue to grow as we live our mission of healing and creating opportunities that can lead to self-sufficiency and economic independence.
This road is not easy. It is sometimes scary and lonely. But I do love the opportunity I have. I love the place I get to come to each day and work; it is my home away from home – inviting and warm. I so enjoy the people that have come through the doors and the stories that they have shared with me. I am glad to be able to offer something that you can’t get anywhere else in the Woodstock area. And at the end of the day, I am blessed to be able to impact the lives of others in some small way.
I want to wish you a very blessed and happy 2024. I pray this year brings you joy, health, and prosperity.