Happy 1st Anniversary to The Workshop
Happy 1st Anniversary to The Workshop!
Well, okay, more like a 13-month anniversary. Sometimes I can be so forgetful when it comes to social media and publicizing things. We opened The Workshop Saturday, December 3, 2022. So, we have just had our year anniversary, but I can’t say we really celebrated. BUT we should have. There is so much to be joyful for and blessed about. The Workshop has made it a year keeping its doors open. There were some months I wasn’t sure if that was possible or feasible, but we made it. I see photographs of the shop taken a year ago and look at it now, and WOW there is a lot to celebrate. It has come so far. I have learned so much and I know that I have so much more yet to learn, but I am willing and eager to take it on.
I have said before that God has put me on this path, and I pray every day that He remains my beacon and guide, that He leads my way. There are days I am lost, and I must just stop, be still, pray, and listen. Something always happens to move me forward, it may be a new customer coming in and sharing a personal story, it may be a new custom order opportunity, it may be someone making a connection between The Workshop and another organization that otherwise would not have happened, or it may be a homeless person coming in from the heat (or cold) and just sitting a spell and talking making me realize the many blessings I do have.
This year has seen new workshops, several private parties, the addition of morning yoga on Thursdays, and many wonderful new items made by skilled artisans from Woodstock and around the world. We were also fortunate to be able to work with a couple of young women coming out of their rehabilitation programs. There have been new connections made, including joining the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce and having an official ribbon cutting, and participating in the Woodstock Police Department’s National Night Out event.
I am not sure what 2024 has in store but I do know that I need to celebrate a bit more all the little things. Because it is all the little things that get us through to the next. There are always going to be to-do lists, and projects, and schedules that can overburden and consume us. There will be things that do not go as planned, or don’t go at all. There are still going to be stressful, scary days. Perhaps it should be a weekly social media post for this year, “We celebrate XYZ”. A chance to stop, be still, and reflect on what we can celebrate, no matter how small.
I want to personally thank all of you that have made it over to THE WORKSHOP either in person or online, I am so very grateful for you. I am truly humbled when someone tells me that they love the shop and will be back. Thank you. For those who have shared our posts, posted reviews, passed out business cards, told friends, and helped to spread the word about THE WORKSHOP and the mission of A FIRM FOOT FORWARD, I thank you.
The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. Psalm 118:24
Blessings ~