Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

To be on the edge and have a force pull you back, to hear, “no, it is not over, that is not the plan I have for you; you must be patient and walk it out day by day” is both unnerving and reassuring at the same time. From crippling thoughts of self-doubt, failure, regret, and depths of despair to the humbling realization of reliance on and need for Him, and thankfulness that He is greater than the evil that lurks in the shadows. The past week has been emotional and powerful. My heavenly Father has continually shown me that I am on the right path and doing the work He wants me to do.  Since opening in December, so many have and continue to come into The Workshop with positive, encouraging words of hope and affirmation.  They build my faith.  It is that faith that must sustain me and in which I must rely.  Each day I need to look to the Lord for strength and for provision to do the work He has called on me to do. If I ask, He will give me the resources, tools, and people I need each day, but I must remember to seek and ask Him. As the Samaritan woman went to the well to get her daily water, so too must I turn to Christ each day to renew my spirit.  I must remind myself that it is not a one-time thing.  As our prayer says, “give us this day our daily bread.” Not a week’s worth or a month, but daily.  Each day ask for provision for today and have faith that He will answer and provide to get you through.  I don’t know what it might be – maybe a sale, a custom order, or just someone walking in the door curious about the place and finding it welcoming and comforting.  When a woman came into the shop last week and asked, “Is God here?”, I was taken aback, but now that question will no longer surprise me and I can honestly and boldly answer, “Yes, yes all around.” But my hope would be someone could feel and know His presence without having to ask.  I ask that the Lord continues to use me as His servant to do His work here in this place for some time yet to come.



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