Why I started this
A Firm Foot Forward and The Workshop is the result of a nearly ten year old dashed plan. But that old plan rooted a thought. I can't really say "dream" since the dream came to light several years later. It continued to grow, to morph, to ignite a passion over the years. Thoughts, conversations, prayers, business ideas all started coming together. And then I felt an inner push and I took the huge leap of faith and jumped, leaving my job and career to start this venture. Perhaps at this point in midlife I wanted change, to have purpose, and to have what I was doing make a difference - to matter. If I was going to put my heart, sweat, and tears into my work, I wanted it to matter. I know my years of business experience have prepared me; I have the love and support of family and friends; and I have the faith that this was and is the right thing to be doing. That A Firm Foot Forward and The Workshop will make a difference in people's lives. I know it will in mine.